The selection process for the Supreme Court of Justice (CSJ) in Honduras for the 2023-2030 term took place between August 2022 and February 2023. Various national and international sectors advocated that the selection of magistrates should be based on international standards of transparency and judicial independence.
The Centre for the Study of Democracy (CESPAD), Lawyers Without Borders Canada (ASFC) and the Due Process of Law Foundation (DPLF) formed an alliance to closely observe the selection process of the new CSJ. As a consortium, they monitored each stage carried out by the Nominating Board and the National Congress.
On 10 November 2022, the consortium published its first report entitled “Proceso de Elección de Magistrados/as de la CSJ: Etapas de Juramentación, Organización, Funcionamiento y Convocatoria”. This report presented the evaluations and analysis of the initial stages of the selection process.
This second and final report covered the results of the citizen oversight in the stages of application of toxicological tests, psychometric tests, legal knowledge, investigation, challenges and complaints, and public interviews. These stages led to the formation of a list of 45 candidates that was sent to the National Congress, where the 15 magistrates that make up the new Supreme Court of Honduras were elected.